Solution for injection in pre-filled pen,your 1st obesity treatment for weight management

Weight Management Procedure identical to body's own hormone GLP-1. GLP-1 is a natural hormone that is released in response to food intake and acts as a physiological regulator of appetite.
Longer relief from hunger, establishes a natural satiety barrier during eating.
肉毒杆菌毒素可能有助于抚平通常与面部老化相关的皱纹,即眉间纹、鱼尾纹和中度至重度前额纹。 肉毒杆菌毒素可在治疗后 1 至 2 天内使患者的外观恢复活力,对日常生活的干扰极小甚至没有。效果可持续长达 4 个月,并且可以通过重复治疗来维持。

For adolescents with obesity

No apparent differences for growth and pubertal development

Transient and mild to moderate GI side effects

No CNS label warnings

Cardiovascular safety profile

No concerns for abuse and dependence
Benefits Beyond Weight Loss
reduction in visceral fat compared to regular dieting.

Cardiovascular benefits

Improved blood pressure

Lowered Blood Glucose levels and risk of diabetes

69% of pre-diabetic patients returned to normal glycaemic status after a year
Achieving Weight Goals with Natural Satiety Hormone