肉毒杆菌毒素可能有助于抚平通常与面部老化相关的皱纹,即眉间纹、鱼尾纹和中度至重度前额纹。 肉毒杆菌毒素可在治疗后 1 至 2 天内使患者的外观恢复活力,对日常生活的干扰极小甚至没有。效果可持续长达 4 个月,并且可以通过重复治疗来维持。

Plasma Hair Growth Factors Solution helps blood vessel development to increase the nutritional supply to hair follicles and increase the hair follicular cells to make the cells stronger. It also accelerates hair follicle production cycle activates hair in resting period and increase the amount of protein which is involved in the production and growth of hair and it helps keep the scalp and hair healthy.

Focusing energy type to deliver energy by brushing hair.
By sending energy to the hair follicle layer in the degenerative to shorten the time to the regrowth phase and activate the hair.
Scalp trouble and itch relief effect.
Cleaning waste dead skin cells and sebum accumulated on the scalp, and removes the bacteria that cause scalp trouble.
Stimulates the production of collagen in the scalp.

Scalp Care by Plasma Hair Growth Factors Solution
Hair Growth Factors Solution kills the germs and bacteria by breaking the bacterial molecular structure.
Scalp Care Procedure by Plasma Hair Growth Factors Solution
Apply Plasma needle energy.
Treat scalp area.
Deliver sharp Hair Growth Factors Solution through brushing hair.
Combine scalp scaling and drug delivery for efficient treatment.